Thursday, March 29, 2007

MJ show + dinner


went to MJ show again with eldora, wendy and friends. this time it was in L16 inside HK park, but i must say the foods served were the worst of the past shows...we didnt even want to try another round after tasting it once. oh maybe we're spoiled, so we headed to dinner right afterwards


Monday, March 26, 2007

hike like a dog

I (or we)'ve hiked 3 times since last month, can't imagine I can hike,
most trails take us 2-3 hrs to finish. and the sceneries indeed are
very nice!

25/3/2007 --> 油塘至井欄樹 via Wilson Trail(衛亦信徑)total 9.5 km

18/3/2007 --> 香港仔水塘 (Aberdeen Reservoir) total 7 km


25/2/2007 --> 側魚涌至陽明山莊 via 畢拉山 and 柏架山