Thursday, March 27, 2008

new clothes, playpen, wedding

as i said before summer is coming, i need to stock up some clothes for baby aerin, its her first summer, how can she has nothing to wear? i bought her a very cute bikini and some clothes from janie and jack. thanks angie for shopping the clothes and passed it to stan when he came to HK. here we are, the new clothes are there!


she seems to like her other new clothes too!


her new hat at the wedding, we added a rose on it, she surprisingly behaved very well that day, didnt cry, wasn't wiling at all, she was the focus of the day!


at cotton tree drive registration hall, we got married here 3.5 yrs ago, here we are with our new baby.


lunch at grappa's, watching daddy eating his pasta


same venue 3.5 yrs ago


her first trip to Toy'r'us on the easter holiday, we got her a playyard.


Wednesday, March 19, 2008


I'm pretty filled up this week, monday was babyaerin's 5 month birthday, I bought her a cute hat...which looks nice but it just fits now so i need to exchange for a bigger one. tuesday went to Marc Jacobs's fabulous fashion show + dinner with wendy & eldora afterwards, work today (wednesday), attend a whole day wedding tomorrow, colleagues gathering on friday, work sounds quite busy!

baby with her new hat that i need to exchange, she looks much more girlish with the hat! at least you may think she's a girl

 ppl, don ask me if she's a boy anymore!


fabulus show! the clothes are nice, the setting are nice, the foods are indeed quite nice too!


more photos here :

haven't planned on what to wear tomorrow for the wedding, maybe i don't really care...why care? they will only expect something from you, maybe I should say its my MIL, she only asks for benefits to her other kids, asked us to buy extravagant gifts for her other daughters wedding, but never bought us a proper gift for our newborn Aerin! or even our own wedding! I'm sick of it, and have no hope from getting a thing back. i'll be there but my soul won't.

Friday, March 14, 2008

rolling over

after few weeks head and hands struggling, baby aerin finally made the turn!! she rolled over today, and its amazing!

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

near 5 mons

summer is coming, its time for me to stock up new clothes for mui mui aerin, here's a new set, isnt she cute?


another vaccination today, she now weight 7kg, 67cm long, time flies, next monday will be her 5 mon birthday!


Saturday, March 8, 2008

nice photos :)

do u think the photos look more 'pro' than those i took before? believe it or not, i really feel they look a lot better quality-wise. the color and focus seem...NICER! yet i hvnt taken the beginner class, the photos must be better if i know how to use the camera thoroughly!


Thursday, March 6, 2008

new camera

i'm getting professional!! i'm sure i will! andrew bought a new DSLR camera today, and the photos seem a lot better than the G9 we have, at least look professional
, and there's a class especially for ppl who buy this camera to take, yeh!! i'm on the hope of becoming the next top professional photographer! (at my home)


Wednesday, March 5, 2008

baby yoga

recently she finds herself a new hobby, that keeps her hands busy so they wont be in her mouth now.

a new posture : touching your own toes

seems like its fun to do otherwise she wont keep putting up the legs, so i decide to work out with her