Friday, August 24, 2007

eat + drink + ladies + fashion

今日張床仔到左了, 好似好好用呢, 可以床椅兩用, 仲有兩種搖法, 可以前後搖或千揪搖. 應該幾好玩 hehe. 仲有蚊帳及枱仔食飯用, 可以坐到4歲呀!


Sunday, August 12, 2007

bed building

開始要準備了, 因為仲有8星期我地屋企就會多個B. 今日去永安買左好多嘢, 包括入院用品, 及BB用品, 要準備走佬袋嗎! 原來喺永安內嘅CHICCO啲嘢平啲, 所以買左好多B用沖涼液, 洗衣液, 小玩具等. 今晚仲砌埋張床, 但原來張床好大, 跟本唔可以進出我地啲房門, 本來仲諗住可以推黎推去潻. 好彩套床上用品係加大碼, 應該用得著, 好想試下鋪上去睇下靚唔靚.





大小肥前日又去剷毛, 返黎後又香又乖, 所以比佢地周圍走, 仲影左好多相.


Monday, August 6, 2007

old school gathering...with babies

went to visit chu sir's BB last saturday , couldn't imagine there're 3 babies and 2 pregnant women (including me), & about 15 adults!! we all squeezed/ packed in a 200 sq ft living room that chu sir's mom let the couple stay for 坐月.

this is i think my first time to have gathering with so 'many' babies! yes, 3 is already so many to me!! i cant imagine my future gathering will be full of babies!!!

and the other pregnant lady chris, her tummy is twice as big as mines, but her bb is due 2 wks after mines.


luckily doctor said my bb has normal size, and weight, it weights 1.6kg today when we went for regular check up so i don need to worry its too small