Tuesday, April 29, 2008

funny girl

baby Aerin can sit still now, the swimming pool is opened again last week and its filled with water and people. mui chu chu really likes to watch people swimming there.

standing in the window with the stroller bar...looks like those old por-por in eldery home


she says : i want to swim too!


sweaty girl! one morning i napped with her, there's a 'sweat map' on my bed when she woke up


finally she learns to crawl now!

Monday, April 21, 2008


前兩日睇雜誌介紹bb手腳倒模, 好似幾得意, 而且都幾靚. 於是就算貴小小都約咗佢今日嚟搞. 因為以前試過自己開嗰d, 效果好差, 一d都唔靚, 好難用嚟裝入相架ga. 11am 姐姐終於到了, 先喺地吓'開壇' 鋪好晒用具, 然後用水開好d漿就將bb手放入膠柸. 初初o妹o妹都唔係好驚, 慢慢先發覺唔妥, 可能d漿好涷, 跟住佢就開始喊喇, 30秒倒就整好一隻手. 每整完一隻手, 都要等佢冷靜返先可以再試下一隻... 而且就算我哋攞晒玩具, 打開晒書引佢, 佢都成日望向個姐姐, 睇吓佢做mud. 所以整第二隻手同埋兩隻腳仔都喊晒, 好似要嚦佢去"湯'咁. 製成品要一個月後先有, 妝今次應該唔會失望啩.

睇住姐姐開粉, 仲以為好好玩! 點知一陣就變喊包~! 因為掛住影video所以無相, 呢張係開始前拍嘅. 整好後大概好似咁:

Thursday, April 17, 2008

half year birthday dinner

好可愛的新衫, 本來係12m碼, 諗住買定今年冬天先著, 點知依家已經岩岩好. 睇怕冬天都好難岩著了

麵包試食, 又係Dan Ryan 因為可以泊(b)車



happy 6mos birthday!

time went so fast! just blink your eyes and half year went by. today is baby aerin's half year birthday! we'll go out for dinner to celebrate. this morning we went to doctor for injection, doctor said she's a long girl, she's already 69cm long which is in 97 percentile but her weight and head circumstance is at 75 percentile...so she's a long and thin girl...maybe she has a model's body?

after breastfeeding for half year i think its time to stop eventually, as doctor said she needs to gradually change the eating habit to solid. altho i don feed directly for few months already, i miss the feeling of feeding the baby coz you really feel a connection between us. u know its not like you can do it again at anytime in the future, if we don have more kid, it'll be once in a life time experience for me...anyway it has been a very memorable moments to me.

Friday, April 11, 2008

daddy's new 'toy'

Andrew 諗左好多日, 尋日終於扑搥落訂買部325i. 我老板好似比我更興奮, 好開心我咁支持公司咁喎. 不過要8月先到, 有新車更係開心啦, 但又唔係好興奮咋喎, 可能見到實物會勁high呱. 同人落order就落得多, 自己落單個日我都無去. 比錢呢d嘢都係等男人搞啦.

對上個次買新車都已經係讀書時爸爸買架新civic比我同屋企喺L.A.時買過lu...都好多年喇. 話時話屋企架3系, 到而家都仲未賣, 架車擺喺度都唔知唔見左幾錢...睇住佢'pat'喺度就好似燒緊錢咁, 真係心up.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008


返返下工有個不得了的tea, 咪以為係阿華田雪糕, 查實入面係好多芒果肉嘅芒果布甸

今日朝早做完嘢, lunch同阿paul去左鯉景灣食日本嘢, 個魚生飯比佢5粒星~!!

Saturday, April 5, 2008

...of the week

baby's new play yard

Chanel mobile art exhibition

went to see the exhibition on wed, it was pretty good as there's an audio guide to tell u whats there and where to go, otherwise u wont be able to stay in each spots for like 2-3 mins, u'll just peek and 'oh ok' and u'll go.

Long week end

i've 2 days off this weekend, good to bring baby aerin out for a fresh breath. went to elements on sat and met wendy for a few photo shoots.

inside element's tiffany & co.

went to harbour city today after visiting doctor, baby aerin has a bit cough, poor girl, she is like a doggie when she coughs...luckily its not very serious. there's a fendi small exhibition, we like the wallpaper so much, hope to paint something like that for baby's room in future