Thursday, January 24, 2008 office(S)

We were outing today too 2 offices, first we went to MINI showroom while Gemma did her marketing. bb was crying becoz she was afraid of the strangers there, many people around her and they all looked 'strangers' to her, but my colleagues like her a lot, she was cute even she cried a little. After that we wander around the market together with Gemma for some fruits, and then went to grandpa's office in Sanpokong. I thought she'd be crying as its also another strange place for her but she was so calm in my dad's office, not crying a bit! maybe she likes her grandpa. even they were so closely looking at each other, bb didnt cry at all, not like she saw her grandma (andrew's mom) and she looked excited when i flipped the clothes on the rack, as if she's also doing her shopping! oh god, i hope she wont be a shopaholic when she's a grown up.

made few greeting cards from McDonald's, it was fun and got a lot of greetings back from friends!


playing with grandpa


my recent favor, it helps me kill time when i'm on duty

honestly i feel the narrator is a 'more exaggerated' me, its so agreeable!

Thursday, January 17, 2008

3 months birthday

因為有嘢要返工做無時間同o妹o妹玩, 夜晚仲要去company dinner. 所以趁下午有小小時間就返屋企玩一陣囉. 今日係o妹o妹3個月生日, 我就買咗個bb馬桶比佢. 因為佢已經識喺馬桶度便便喇!! 兩星期前工人Gemma已經訓練到o妹o妹一聽到'唔唔' 聲先呵便便, 當時是o妹o妹訓喺床度, Gemma見佢個樣想呵, 就照平時清潔pat pat 咁遞高bb雙腳, 然後 '唔唔', o妹o妹好自然就呵落事先準備好嘅墊紙, 咁就唔會令pat pat及pampers污漕. 我哋去咗旅行嘅時候, Gemma試將o妹o妹放喺馬桶度呵便便, 佢會用手hold住bb身體(唔係叉住格肋底), o妹o妹就好似坐喺度嘅姿勢咁'朗'住pat pat喺馬桶. 而佢亦好順利咁呵到, 又無反抗 (因為平時bb對唔鍾意嘅行為一定反抗, 有時連食奶都唔肯). 一切都好ok, 嫲嫲講咁會傷害bb脊骨, 因為佢背脊骨未成熟喎. 但其實Gemma hold住bb嘅身體, bb唔係全身力聚晒落去. 問過幾個朋友, 都話無問題先敢放心比佢用potty呀! 新鮮熱辣嘅'唔唔'相呀!

平靓正cutie potty:


件熊仔衫喺日本baby Gap買架, 著起好'咔嘩而'呀!


Monday, January 14, 2008

5 days tokyo trip

i LOVE traveling! but seems like its unlikely that i or we can travel frequently since we've a bb now. this probably will be my last japan trip in the coming few years
so we still went ahead to go for the trip after struggling to leave mui mui behind or not. yes we're not very good parents, we left mui mui with our helper and my MIL...yes...MIL...its definitely a bit terrifying, every time she mentioned about her child care experiences were about the uncle micheal...who is now 4x year old! i believe there's a lot differences from this 40yrs. anyway, we missed mui mui a lot and always took out the camera to see her photos and video during the whole trip!

anyway the trip seemed so short, many places we visited last year were not included in this trip, probably we can't walk so fast anymore? and we didnt shop as crazy as last year, this year we shift our shopping target slightly to baby clothes! we bought many clothes for our mui mui, some of them are for her to wear at 3 yr old!

since we've been there for many times, we didnt bother to take's one of the few we took in shinjuku. Tokyo I miss YOU!!!!!!!

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

a 遲來的 2007 大事回顧


2007年我的最大件事當然是bb Aerin的出現. 由一個極憎細路的人要變成好媽媽, 初初都幾擔心. 不過乖巧的bb Aerin 待我很好, 多月來都無為難我.

讓我輕鬆的度過仿佛只有5個月長的懷孕期(因為發現有B都已經5月了). 除了bb, 也要多謝Andrew 爸爸啦, 雖然他無耐性又怕死, 但都好比心機照顧我們. 也因為bb的出現, 身邊的事物都起了變化, 令我有一些前所未有的睇法 has changed. 本來我是一個很自我中心的人, 現在會特別感受到朋友親人既關懷, 也學會用另一個角度去看事物...原來當你身處其中, 感受是不一樣的.

2007年基本上放了成半年假, 最初會想自己一定錯失一些機會. 不過放假後, 人亦放鬆了. 難得有一班好同事, 令我好安心地放假, 現在要返工反而不慣呀. 還有很多朋友不論在香港外國都送了很多禮物給我和bb Aerin, 不論是否物輕, 都一定情義重. thank you!! 2007年是我收穫最大的一年, 希望這樣的好運會永遠照耀住我

bb Aerin 會健康快樂地成長!
我一定會加油的! again Happy New Year!!!

Sunday, January 6, 2008

kissing the bald

my first day of work on friday, it was a bit hard as i havent left home for so long time in a day. i miss my bb and i miss my holiday!

we shaved bb aerin's hair on thursday. it's a pity coz i really like the way her hair standing up, makes it her signature hair do. now she looks like a monk, and the head seems a lot rounder and bigger than before. the same day i went to extend my hair, i hope bb wont be mistaking me for stealing hair from her




congrats to cathy, she just delivered a 3.6kg boy!

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

happy 2008! :D

Happy new year!! it was the first 'home staying' new year eve since we've been together, we used to hang out with friends or at least go for a movie on the last night of the year and countdown together, but this year we've changed, there's a little one at home that we need to look after therefore we cooked at home and watched fireworks from tv. andrew said the best gain of 2007 was little aerin, well i agree its the most 'significant' gain for the year, she really brings us lot of fun and love! the new year 2008 we celebrate with BABIES, aerin's new friends! we've a baby party today, it was only about a month from the last gathering, and the babies' sizes have grown so much! aerin has all the new stuffs on her today, she's wearing a cute ginger bread outfit lewis sent us from NY with wendy's mom's 'warm mark' pink cardigan, it made her a great outfit and she has a new car seat to sit on too! thanks for all your gifts, we really appreciate them


sitting in the middle of the 'big' girls, she seems so small and looks as if she's bullied by them, so funny!
